
Hello my dear readers,

I hope you had a great start of the year! It's been two months since I have sent you my newsletter. The root cause is my wonderful hiking trip in Himalayan mountains spotting the Annapurna peaks in Nepal. This trip was again a great eye-opener how much I love traveling outside Europe and getting to know completely different cultures.

As always here is a short list on my readings and writings over the last two months.

Agne Nainyte

My Monthly Fail StoryMy Monthly Fail Story

Hiking too fast in Himalayan mountains

In 2021 I decided to commit to sharing more failure stories on social media and less of “Look, my dear network how well I am doing!”

In 2022 I will continue this challenge, so here is my 13th story.

Last month we embarked on a hiking trip in the Himalayan mountains to see the Annapurna peaks. While it’s common to feel altitude from ~2500m already, most slightly seasoned hikers start to feel it on a way higher level.

Well, this time was different for me. Strangely, I started to feel mild symptoms already at the 3200m. Initially, I couldn’t understand why because I felt very fit this time.

When we did our root cause analysis we realized that we were simply picking up a too fast of a pace for the mountains.

My key learning here: Sometimes going slower will make you faster later. It’s often not a sprint, but rather a marathon.

I would love to hear your failure stories too! Please share it by replying to this email.

Find Your PurposeFind Your Purpose

Personal GrowthPersonal Growth


Environmental impact of Dutch 'Sinterklaas' celebration

December 5th is a BIG day in the Netherlands - "Sinterklaas" celebration! It is a tradition to give people the first letter of their names in chocolate.

While it's a cool tradition, the 26 alphabetical letters unfortunately bring a logistical challenge and create lots of waste. After 'Sinterklaas' lots of chocolate letters are thrown away together with its packaging.

During the Dutch Design Week 2021 I was impressed to see the 'out of the box' thinking and creativity from LocoLetter. They developed a product to address this problem - a chocolate puzzle box where everyone can create their own name letter thus no need to produce 25 different boxes!

I am happy to see more and more initiatives coming from different angles to help us live in more sustainable and enjoyable way!

By the way, besides the chocolate letters, 'Sinterklaas' has more traditions. My favorite one is that parents leave a glass of milk and a carrot near shoes to feed the horse of Sinterklaas when he arrives at night :)

Winter is coming everywhere!

Today probably every big corporate is looking and thinking how to survive disruption to not become 'the next Kodak'.

As a consultant myself I often ask a question - but how about the consulting business? Strangely, this industry still seems to be surviving and thriving on its old model - selling hours of consultants.

However, you can already see the first snowflakes coming in the consulting industry too. What used to be done by humans (e.g. number crunching, research, idea generation etc.), today can be done by algorithms.

For example, Beyond Spark AI driven solution is already being used in business strategy development. Think if you are a materials company trying to anticipate the next R&D investments. Beyond Spark’ solution can give you an answer by going through millions of research papers from different industries on the upcoming technologies.

In fact, when you think about it more, technology driven problem solving can give you answers faster and avoid the social side of the strategy formulation (i.e. human bias).


Four thousand weeks by Oliver Burkeman

The new year has just started and probably many of us already wrote a long list of resolutions to do in 2022. Likely, many of those to-dos are moved from the last year. And again I wrote too many…

It was refreshing to read the “Four thousand weeks” book by Oliver Burkeman who provides many great arguments against increasing our productivity.

In the end, all of us have approximately four thousand weeks to live and it’s impossible to achieve everything we would like to. In fact, we always are too optimistic about our abilities.

It’s a liberating message encouraging to stop trying to cram an impossible amount of work in pursuit for accomplishments. Rather focus on pursuing activities which are enjoyable NOW instead of in the future.

New challenge for 2022 - unanswered question

Let's talk! This year I thought to share more posts with raised questions than provided answers.

Today I am questioning the Lean Startup methodology. Have you seen it working? What are your experiences?

I have always been a bit skeptical about this concept. And here are a couple of arguments:

'Lean startup' written by Eric Ries is considered almost like a Bible for building start-ups. However, ~90% of start-ups fail. Does Lean startup address the root causes?

MVP (minimal viable product) concept is very popular especially in technology companies. However, I often struggle to imagine it working in practice. You cannot always launch 🚀 a WIP product and iterate publicly. This might damage your company's reputation immensely.

Although 'Lean startup' has not much to do with LEAN thinking coming from Toyota, I often hear people mixing it up. Many assume that 'Lean startup' is an iteration whereas it's not.

This time I don't have an answer what works better than Lean startup, so I invite you to have a discussion and share your thoughts.

Here is the link to a heated discussion on Linkedin.

Make An ImpactMake An Impact